The power of VR storytelling

The power of VR storytelling

Virtual Reality (VR) is becoming a more mainstream tool for businesses to connect with their customers, but did you know that VR can be a powerful tool for storytelling? At Tellick Experience we create the tools which make telling stories in VR easy and accessible to anyone. So what is the main benefit of telling stories in VR? Immersion. Virtual reality allows you to create highly immersive experiences which make the viewer part of your story.

If there is one thing we've learned in the past months, it's that virtual reality is more than just a cool visual. We've discovered that the technology not only has the ability to entertain but it can also change the way we tell stories and communicate. VR adds an entire new layer to your stories by immersing your viewers in it. You can bring them to a certain place and give them a sense of scale. The narrative is conveyed much more powerful this way, leaving your viewers in awe. VR also adds the possibility of interactivity. Choosing a path, expanding worlds or picking up objects, increasing the elements of learning and realization.


Traditional media has long been a powerful way to bring stories to life. By creating a visual narrative of events, we can easily show empathy for a cause and transform audiences into action takers. You've seen this approach in documentaries, through the news and even in Hollywood films. Today, VR is rapidly being adopted by organizations such as the United Nations, ACLU and Amnesty International as a powerful tool, to bring people closer to real-life situations they're passionate about.

In the past few years, we have seen an increased interest and investment in the creation of interactive content by mainstream companies and entertainment giants. We are now seeing a greater push by organizations to create VR and 360° video content for events and projects. Tellick will help you to easily create a VR experience from your video, with full interactivity and 360° immersive capabilities. You don't have to be a developer or professional storytelling expert to create your own VR experience. Our clients have created everything from 360 videos to interactive experiences, all in one day with Tellick Experience. And sharing your VR story has never been easier. You can share your story through the web with anyone by just sharing a simple link with them.

The Tellick Experience editor allows you to create diverging paths in your story.

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